Saturday 17 August 2013

17th of August, The Important Day for Indonesian

National Emblem and Flag of Indonesia

About Indonesia:

Motto                               : Bhineka Tunggal Ika (means : Different but still one also)
National Ideologi              : Pancasila  (means : five morals) 
Capital City                      : Jakarta 
Independence Day            : 17th of August
1st President                     : Ir. Soekarno
1st Vice President             : Mohammad Hatta
Currency                          : Rupiah (Rp)

Today is an independence day for my country and its people. It's 68 years ago Indonesia finally has independence from colonialism. I read that the first country give the de jure for Indonesia is Egypt and Palestine.

Cio or Ayit

My close friend just had a cat. She get it from her friend. My friend call it Ayit, because he's just three months that time maybe. I forgot his age. I'm sorry my friend ^^'
Ayit it's from alit (Javanese Language) that means small, but I call him Cio. :D
He is so hyper-active and attractive. Maybe he's more bigger than the last time I saw, because it's almost two months I don't go to Yogyakarta. He's crossing between Persia and Local.

A New "Hope"

Still about in Kinahrejo after the big explosion from Mount of Merapi, three years ago.
Knowledge said that the ash from volcano can make the land become fertile, and that's right!
My friend and I found some plants growing among the ruins of buildings and trees. 
Then we call it as a new hope in Kinahrejo and other places near Merapi! :)
Here they are,

Merapi, 3 Years Ago

Wow! It's been seven months that I didn't posting some pictures or articles.
Here we go! I want to tell about something happen in D.I.Yogyakarta, Indonesia in three years ago.
About three years ago, there was "big explosion" in Yogyakarta. The Mount of Merapi erupted and made some educational activities stopped almost a month. Some campuses used as a place to refuge for the people who live near Merapi Mountain. The caretaker ('juru kunci') died in this accident.
Here are some the pictures that we've captured it.