Saturday 17 August 2013

17th of August, The Important Day for Indonesian

National Emblem and Flag of Indonesia

About Indonesia:

Motto                               : Bhineka Tunggal Ika (means : Different but still one also)
National Ideologi              : Pancasila  (means : five morals) 
Capital City                      : Jakarta 
Independence Day            : 17th of August
1st President                     : Ir. Soekarno
1st Vice President             : Mohammad Hatta
Currency                          : Rupiah (Rp)

Today is an independence day for my country and its people. It's 68 years ago Indonesia finally has independence from colonialism. I read that the first country give the de jure for Indonesia is Egypt and Palestine.
 Actually, as personal I disappointed with my government caring about Egypt and Palestine conditions right now. I didn't hear or look any significant efforts from my government to Egypt and Palestine.
Then my government also doesn't give prevalent significant efforts to make Indonesian people live better, especially about education, public healthy care, and nationalism which mean as my personal mind can make Indonesia better.
The government also not really appreciate and respect with Indonesian who have been meritorious for bringing the name of Indonesia to the world.
Us, especially as Indonesian People also must to make Indonesia better, because we believe that Indonesia can better and better from its people, right? :)
Some Indonesian sometimes do not really care each other. Underestimate the ability of a person who is equally the Indonesian.
We could take some cultures from other countries, as long as it can help Indonesia become better and is not relieve our nationalism as Indonesian. So, we must show that we are the people of Indonesia which remain civilized and good virtuous character. We must help each other to make INDONESIA BETTER!!
As Indonesian, we must said MERDEKA!! ^O^)/

Let's Make Indonesian Help Each Other
Towards a Better Indonesia ^^

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